
All the products you buy from us have full manufacturers warranties. If you discover upon using the product, that some of the components are not working under normal circumstances, then please be confident, the original manufacturer will warranty the defective item. However each manufacturer has its own warranty terms, so we encourage you to read these terms before accepting them by starting to use the product.
Most of the products will come with a written warranty or reference to such warranty and we encourage you to read and understand it. If for some reason you can't locate these terms, lets us know and we will be more than happy to assist you.
RC Street Shop is not a warranty facility and does not cover any manufacturers warranty or provide any direct warranty on any item sold, only the original manufacturer has the authority to determine, if it is a warranty and issue you a replacement.
Please note, warranty processing time may take 4-8 weeks and will be subject to the individual manufacturer's policy, discretion and processing time. Manufacturer warranties do not cover defects determined to be caused by normal wear or tear due to customer negligence.
From our experience there is a lot of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the term "normal tear and wear". Some may crash a car into a wall and then say: "Well it is normal, because they have been designed for crashes". You are 100% right, they are designed for crashes and other fun, but unfortunately, none of the manufacturers we know, will cover your cost of repairs.
When it comes to warranty and dealing with it, don't worry. RC Street Shop will be able to assist you with answering all your questions, support, help or even with helping you to file a warranty claim with the manufacturer. Although we do not handle warranty repairs ourselves, we will do our best to help you get a positive result.

Questions / Concerns / Emergencies 
  • If anything is unclear or if you have a special circumstance, give us a call! We will do our best to help you out!
  • Our phone number is  562-425-9000 or send us a message